When we need to obtain information from you, we will always ask you to voluntarily provide it to us expressly. The data collected through the data collection forms of the website or other means will be incorporated into a personal data file, for which The Finance & Leisure Company SAU, is responsible, hereinafter FINLEI or THE OWNER OF THE WEB.
This entity will treat the data confidentially and exclusively for the purpose of offering the requested services, with all the legal and security guarantees imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation, RGPD 2016/679 of April 27, of the European Parliament and of the Council and with the L.O. 3/2018 of 5 December, on Data Protection and guarantees of digital rights and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.
THE OWNER OF THE WEB undertakes not to assign, sell, or share the data with third parties without their express approval.
Likewise, THE OWNER OF THE WEB will cancel or rectify the data when they are inaccurate, incomplete or have ceased to be necessary or relevant for their purpose, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection,regarding the obligation to blockthem.
The user may revoke the consent given and exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure and opposition, portability and limitation, by contacting for this purpose the registered office of THE OWNER OF THE WEB, Calle Jaime II 34, 1ªA; 07001 Palma de Mallorca, duly identifying and indicating in a visible way the specific right that is exercised,or through the e-mail address "potecciondatos@finlei.com"
THE OWNER OF THE WEB has adopted the corresponding security levels required by the applicable regulations, and the risk analysis carried out. However, it does not assume any responsibility for damages arising from alterations that third parties may cause in the computer systems, electronic documents or files of the user.
THE OWNER OF THE WEB may use cookies during the provision of services of the website. Cookies are physical files of personal information hosted on the user's own terminal. The user has the possibility to configure his browser program so that the creation of cookie files is prevented or warned of it. If you choose to leave our website through links to websites not belonging to our entity, THE OWNER OF THE WEB will not be responsible for the privacy policies of said websites or the cookies that they may store on the user's computer. For more information visit the "cookies policy" section of this website.
You can refuse the processing of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate configuration of your browser, however, you should know that if you do so you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.
FINLEI, does not make international transfers of personal data to third countries, (exception of l to information generated by the cookie about your use of the website that will be directly transmitted and archived by Google).
In general, personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except in cases where there is a legal obligation or that is necessary for the provision of services or for the maintenance and development of relations, such as, competent Public Administrations, for compliance with the applicable regulations, Banks for the management of collections and payments.
Nor does it subject personal data to automatic decisions that could have legal effects on individuals.
You have the right to file a claim with the supervisory authority: Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.aepd.es).